Thursday, February 23, 2012

Down the ebook road

I finally did it! After much hesitation, backtracking and agonizing, I decided to give it a shot. I'm talking about epublishing - what did you think?

After having 2 books published traditionally, it was hard to convince myself that epublishing a book was any less 'legitimate'. There are so many misconceptions about the whole business that separating grain from chaff took a lot of time. I did my research and found some amazing stats:
  • ebooks now comprise more than half of Amazon's sales,
  • big name writers have lent legitimacy to the enterprise (think Stephen King, Jodi Picoult etc),
  • traditional publishers are in dire straits as the economy dips,
  • Canadian libraries saw a 50% increase in their ebook title downloads last year.
This trend is clearly here to stay. I'm not getting left behind. I have a good story I want to share with my reader, I will.

I won't have to wait for 8 months to a year undertaking these steps till I turn into a nervous wreck: write up a proposal, chew my nails and pray that the acquisitions editor did not have a row with her partner, then write the book, get rejected, go through the whole process again...

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